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  • Backend
  • Database
  • Frontend
  • Software Testing
  • Strategy
  • UX/UI

About Wuardian

Client want a simplest way to preparing a WILL to ensure that his funds and property will be distributed according to his wishes after his death. A Will is a legal document designating the transfer the property and assets to his nominee.

Project Highlight

  • Purchase subscription plan
  • User manage their account, social media URL
  • Easy, convenient, affordable and secure
  • Easy Process for creating a Will through mode of choice Video, Audion recording and upload document
  • Decide the share of nominee for each property and also save nominee’s social URL, email etc
  • Provide all Assets detail in a Systematic manner

Solution Provided

  • We provide there type of video records Functionality A. Testament, Here user is able to add one video only one time. The video link is share to its nominee after user pass away B. Postdate, Here user have to option that share video on special date or pass away C. Direct Delivery, Here user is able to send small clip video to its nominee
  • We provide Safebox feature to the user to safe his property document after user pass away document will send to nominee to its mail
  • We provide secure admin panel to manage User’s accounts, payment, user uploaded videos, create package for the subscription
  • Third party payment gateway PayPal integration