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  • Backend
  • Database
  • Frontend
  • Software Testing
  • Strategy
  • UX/UI

About Nycworklaw

Nycworklaw is a law group, provides legal and claim services to the local community. They wanted to redesign their site to make it more professional looking and aesthetically more pleasant. The new site needed a responsive modern layout that follows the best practices of search engine optimization and looks more engaging.

Project Highlight

  • Simple, modern, responsive design
  • Well organised product pages with downloadable documents
  • File a clam form integration
  • Blog posts

Solution Provided

  • Following the client’s requirements, we built a responsive modern looking site that focuses all the services details of law.
  • The home page has a simple banner image followed by three broad services
  • The navigation bar contains links to necessary pages
  • Online file clam option and contact us integration